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When services are needed outside of our clinical setting, Adapt & Learn is able to support children with direct and indirect services in their community, home, or school environments. Our clinicians work with school districts and families to conduct independent evaluations, develop programming, train and consult with educational teams, and provide direct services to complex learners at the request of their school teams. ​​
  • Comprehensive, independent educational evaluations (IEE) in the areas of occupational therapy and assistive technology
  • Program design and development
  • IEP review and consultation specific to our areas of expertise
  • Consultation and training to develop competency and improve educationally-based OT/AT services
  • Direct OT/AT services are provided at the request of the school
    • Motor Groups​
    • Targeted Semester/Session-long Programs (handwriting remediation, fine motor development, core activation)
    • Individualized services
    • Classroom push-in support
boy using adapted handwriting paper
boy using assistive technology to write on an ipad
children playing at sensory tables outside
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