No matter if your child is jumping into pillows strewn on the floor, a squishy beanbag or floor cushions, the proprioceptive sensory input your child receives from safe crashing is the same! Occupational therapists will tell you that the eight senses (tactile/touch, visual/sight, auditory/hearing, olfactory/smell, taste, vestibular, proprioceptive, and interoception) are critical in child development and self-regulation. Chances are pretty good that the number one type of sensory input OT's will recommend to keep your child regulated at home is proprioceptive input.
The sensory input our bodies receive from jumping, crashing, pushing, pulling, and lifting is called proprioceptive input. This input gives our bodies a better understanding of where we are in space to inform body awareness skills and coordination. The proprioceptive sense also contributes to self-regulation, especially after a lot of jumping, swinging, and movement activities! If you've read our story about indoor gross motor activities for your child, consider a crash pad as the next addition to your place space to extend those fun activities even further... slither like a snake or crawl like a bear across the squishy surface during an obstacle course, climb under it for some gentle squishes and resistive heavy work, or jump and crash with safety.